Neon Museum Boneyard Ball

Neon Museum Boneyard Ball

This themed gala honored legendary film director Tim Burton, and featured a performance by Las Vegas’ own musical hometown heroes, The Killers. The JGS Group managed all aspects of the fundraising event, from décor, strategic run-of-show design and execution to headline entertainment logistics and catering.

Vegas Chamber Preview Event

Vegas Chamber Preview Event

This premiere annual business forecasting event, hosted by the Vegas Chamber of Commerce, features high-level executives from all across Nevada. The JGS Group provided speaker support, scenic design and construction, audio-visual design,  show execution and more.

Engelstad Foundation

Engelstad Foundation

The JGS group designed the charitable organization’s website and logo, and has provided video services for multiple foundation events and initiatives. These include the company’s mission video, as well as all videos for their partner organizations including capture and edit of drone footage.

Cache Creek

Cache Creek Casino New Year’s Eve

We made NYE at this upscale casino resort an event to remember. We designed entertainment for the evening and midnight that included a touring, singing and dancing “Fun Patrol” that shared the NYE SWAG with guests, We casted a 10-member Dance Crew with custom choreographed routines performed in the casino’s brand new Elevate Lounge, there was a performing DJ and a beautiful vocalist host that guided guests through the evening and finished with a rendition of Auld Lang Syne on our constructed Lobby Stage. Our costume designer created several themed looks for the Fun Patrol and Dance Crew as they danced the night away with guests. To top the evening off, we orchestrated a 30-foot mirror ball drop in the lobby at midnight.

Boys & Girls Club

Boys & Girls Club of Southern Nevada Sneaker E-Ball

In March of 2020, the state of Nevada went into lockdown to slow the spread of COVID-19 and the JGS Group quickly coordinated with the Boys & Girls Club to save their fundraiser. Within 48 hours, the JGS Group converted this gala fundraiser into a virtual event, complete with a live streamed auction component. We mobilized quickly and put the technology solutions in place to deliver an amazing experience to attendees, despite the change in circumstances.


Blockchains Global Launch

We produced this global launch press event for a cryptocurrency company in Prague, overseeing every logistical detail, including souring a local venue, décor, catering, high-end VIP security, crew scheduling and catering for our 57 member crew throughout the 5 day load-in and load-out, and transporting 3,000 guests across the city to the secret location of the venue. Some of our technical touches included video mapping, video asset creation, execution of the program, and an interactive Hologram Girl on stage.

In conjunction with the Prague Product Launch Event, we also orchestrated a Tech Summit leading up to the launch at the Tesla Gigafactory in Reno, Nevada. We organized catering, run of show design and technical execution, décor, and speaker logistics for Elon Musk, Governor Brian Sandoval, Jeffrey Berns, CEO of Blockchains, and Shawn Wtanabe from Panasonic along with logistics for 40 members of the press that attended.

Britney Spears Residency Announcement

Caesars Entertainment

Britney Spears Residency Announcement.

Event Details

So you’ve got about 1300 people and you want to do a gigantic card trick to introduce one of the world’s greatest pop star’s new residency at Planet Hollywood Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.  Question is:  Where do you hold such an event?


Well, out in the middle of the desert, of course…in the middle of the night.  Oh, and make sure you have all the equipment and personnel needed to broadcast the whole thing live on national TV.


The JGS Group commanded 31 buses into the night for a grand press event starring the legendary Britney Spears.She arrived  by helicopter (of course) during the national broadcast of “Good Morning America” where Sam Champion met her on the red carpet for an exclusive interview.

Western Digital Airstream Tour

Western Digital

Western Digital had the original idea; retrofit a 34-foot classic Airstream with built-in arenas for HD gaming, home entertainment, and browsing.  Inside, My Net Routers will breathe new life into each station for a jet-fueled streaming HD experience never witnessed before.  Next step -- tour the “Streamachine” to 14 cities and 24 events in only 45 days to spread the word about My Net routers. A simple idea until someone said, “Make it so.”

That’s when The JGS Group was handed the reins of this ambitious project and this portable high-tech showroom was brought to life.

First, of course, came the procurement of the Airstream, then the design and then the retrofit, all supervised by JGS.  The highly intricate technical design was left to the pros while JGS plotted the multi-city tour.

Heavy on logistics, each city required a location that would bring Western Digital’s message to its customers.  Additionally, a certain number of local labor and presenter talents had to be hired and trained, and lodging had to be procured.  JGS was also instrumental in generating publicity to get the word out in advance to each city about the upcoming arrival of the Western Digital Airstream Tour.

The Streamachine illustrated how with Western Digital’s new My Net routers a home could easily run a web-based home theatre, multiple player games via the internet, smart phones, smart televisions, tablets…all at once with no delays or distortion of products, all from a wireless router utilizing a single band.

The tour began in Orange County, California, and concluded at Comic Com in New York City.

Many friends were made along the way and, most importantly, a vast number of new customers were able to see first-hand the magic of Western Digital, thanks to the detailed coordination and supervision of all aspects of the tour by The JGS Group.

U.S. Conference of Mayors

U.S. Conference of Mayors

In both 2006 and then again in 2013, The JGS Group was called upon to produce the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the official nonpartisan organization of the nation’s 1183 cities with populations of 30,000 or more.

Hosted by JGS’ own hometown, Las Vegas, the creative and production team used their experience, expertise and hometown advantage to quickly and seemingly effortlessly move large groups of attendees from one venue to the next, create 3 nights of branded Las Vegas events during the conference, and manage all aspects of production.

Strengthening the relationships between the local and federal governments, the conference also provided the opportunity to showcase Las Vegas, not only as the Entertainment Capital of the world, but as a vibrant world city.

Additionally, the city of Las Vegas accepted the conference on very short notice to bail out another city who was unprepared to host the event.  For such a large undertaking, The JGS Group had a very abbreviated timeframe, yet met every goal of the four day conference.


Southern Wine & Spirits of Nevada’s

UNLVino highlights a number of the Las Vegas’s favorite restaurants and top-tier beverage labels from around the world.

Celebrating its 39th year, UNLVino continues to promote Southern Wine & Spirits of Nevada’s (SWS of NV) mission to raise millions of scholarship dollars for students in UNLV’s William F. Harrah School of Hotel Administration.  With four major tasting events around the city (BubbleLicious at The Venetian Hotel, Sake Fever at The Mirage, Grand Tasting at The Paris Hotel and Bar BQ at The Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health) The JGS Group was instrumental in the logistics and creative direction required for each event.  Using their own special hometown savvy, JGS staffers were able to present their city and its culinary magic in a dazzling light that proved we are a major "foodie" capital of the world.

Shania Twain Arrival in Las Vegas

Caesars Entertainment

Shania Twain Arrival in Las Vegas, Super stars don’t just arrive in Las Vegas.  They make an Entrance!

The privilege of staging the most stunning arrival into Las Vegas since Sinatra rode a camel into town in1955 went to The JGS Group.  The newest star to lay claim to Caesars Coliseum needed an epic entrance into town.

Of course, the ultimate cowgirl, Shania Twain had to arrive on horseback following a stampede of wild horses!

JGS had the west side of the Las Vegas Strip closed as Twain and her posse of wranglers wrangled 40 some horses past the press and screaming fans, right onto the red carpet of Caesars.

And there, in front of the resort’s iconic fountains, Shania laid claim to her new home away from home, Las Vegas.

The JGS Group handled many details of this ambitious undertaking, most notably responsible for permitting and lane closures, infrastructure on Las Vegas Blvd. for the horses and securing the horses as well as the cowboy wranglers.

Fuzzy Dice Guinness Book of World Records

Fuzzy Dice Guinness Book of World Records

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.

To mark the passing of a very important, very lucky day in Las Vegas, 11-11-11, the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority enlisted The JGS Group to create two gigantic fuzzy dice (4' x 4' x 4') and then presented them to the world at the iconic "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign flanked, naturally, by two beautiful showgirls from Bally's enduring hit "Jubilee!".

Guinness World Records

Guinness Book of World Records

We love unexpected world records. The JGS Group has staged events that have earned a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records, including the World’s Largest Fuzzy Dice, World’s Largest Bikini Parade, World’s Largest Simultaneous Saber-Off, and World’s Largest Simultaneous Toast.

World Largest Bikini Parade – Las Vegas

Fuzzy Dice Guinness Book of World Records

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.

To mark the passing of a very important, very lucky day in Las Vegas, 11-11-11, the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority enlisted The JGS Group to create two gigantic fuzzy dice (4' x 4' x 4') and then presented them to the world at the iconic "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign flanked, naturally, by two beautiful showgirls from Bally's enduring hit "Jubilee!".

Seventh Annual Vegas Uncork’d By Bon Appetit

Chef Michael Mina Kicks Off the 7th Annual Event

Ceelo Green Press Event

Ceelo Green Press Event

When Ceelo Green makes an entrance, especially to his new residency at Planet Hollywood Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip, it has to be big.  And loud.  And showy.  And don’t forget those gorgeous showgirls.

The JGS Group put Mr. Green on the back of a decorated large flatbed truck and rolled down the Strip to his new home to the tune of his hit, “Forget You”.  On board with him were the iconic showgirls everyone dreams of and yet they were almost outshone by the pillars of pyrotechnics that were shooting out of Ceelo’s piano!

Upon arrival at Planet Hollywood Hotel and Casino, there was more pyro, more showgirls and a bevy of dignitaries and celebrities to welcome Ceelo “home”.

World Market Center

World Market Center

The opening of the World Market Center in Las Vegas signified a revolution in the furniture and design industries on an international scale.

Never before had so many buyers and vendors coexisted under a single roof. That roof, by the way, covers more square footage than the Pentagon.

Las Vegas Springs Preserve

Las Vegas Springs Preserve

Las Vegas Springs Preserve project: Grand Opening Event With its 180-acre site of attractions and educational activities.

Las Vegas Springs Preserve project: Grand Opening Event With its 180-acre site of attractions and educational activities, the Las Vegas Springs Preserve commemorates the history of the Las Vegas valley and the future of sustainable living. What’s more, it sits only a mile or so from the modern-day Strip – an intriguing juxtaposition. It was that intrigue that prompted The JGS Group’s creative and logistical approach to the event for 2,000 VIP guests. First and foremost, it was to be a green event, an “Eco-Celebration.” The JGS Group guided all partners and vendors in the ways of staging an environmentally conscious extravaganza. Paper and plastic were eschewed in favor of linen and glass. Every possible item was recycled to the fullest – even the native-grown owers used for décor were re-planted.

And, as with most of the nonpro t organizations we serve, The JGS Group brought together local luminaries to celebrate our own Las Vegas heritage. The Las Vegas Philharmonic brought true elegance; Cirque Du Soleil, a multicolored tribal spectacle; and restaurateur Wolfgang Puck, an array of culturally diverse cuisine whose ingredients were sourced locally. The event, which covered much of the Springs Preserve’s acreage, entertained guests with many satellite stages of entertainment, all leading to the main stage. The JGS Group contracted with many of its ranks of event professionals to assist in maintaining constant communication, effective crowd movement and an effort

Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines

Product Launch Singapore Airlines is known the world over for exceptional customer service and high standards. They are also known for conservative new market expansion.

Product Launch Singapore Airlines is known the world over for exceptional customer service and high standards. They are also known for conservative new market expansion. So, when the company decided to enter the Las Vegas market the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) was there to ensure a smooth landing. The JGS Group was chosen to create a production show to welcome visiting dignitaries and travel/ tourism representatives on both continents. At each stop along the way – in Las Vegas, Hong Kong and Singapore – SIA Group requested an original show be produced to serve as the kickoff for the launch festivities. The ultimate hope was that the productions would help attract media attention around the world about the emerging partnership between SIA Group and Las Vegas. There were a number of challenges immediately facing The JGS Group staff. They needed to become quickly conversant with the Asian milieu – particularly the local sense of humor – to ensure an entertaining, effective evening for all stakeholders involved.

The shows also needed to re ect a true sense of cultural authenticity without seeming campy or overproduced. Additionally, both the LVCVA and SIA Group had priority elements they wanted incorporated in the show. The JGS Group staff conducted extensive cultural research and interviewed dozens of performers to strike just the right balance of music, comedy and glamour, with close attention paid to even the smallest of details. Then, facing the challenges of producing large- scale production shows in Las Vegas as well as two foreign cities, The JGS Group overcame all obstacles to present spectacular events that not only entertained, but also served the client’s needs. The results went beyond SIA Group’s expectations. The shows enjoyed high attendance and attracted widespread media coverage in outlets such as Time, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Associated Press, Reuters, Yahoo! Finance, The Dallas Morning News, CBS, The Age Australia, Travel Weekly, Lycos Finance, and in all the local Las Vegas, Singapore and Hong Kong media.

Las Vegas Monorail

Las Vegas monorail

Las Vegas Monorail Project: Grand Opening Event It was supposed to change the face of Las Vegas, a symbol of the city’s expanding infrastructure and a vital artery to move the lifeblood of the economy – the convention and tourism market.


It was supposed to change the face of Las Vegas, a symbol of the city’s expanding infrastructure and a vital artery to move the lifeblood of the economy – the convention and tourism market. But as months passed and scheduled launch dates came and went, the press turned derisive and even the project’s most ardent champions grew frustrated. It fell to The JGS Group to ensure that – when the big day finally arrived – all of that negative energy would be erased and the Monorail’s launch would be the fuel of grand celebration. A plan in place that could be executed when “the call” finally came that the Monorail was to open. The JGS Group’s meticulously orchestrated event involved a progressive, five-mile spectacular of entertainment, food and fireworks at each stop along the inaugural train’s journey. The local and international press were onboard, joined by celebrities and key dignitaries along the way. When the train was “revealed” at its destination, the opening night gala exploded into an extravaganza of music, light and pyro that spanned the entire Las Vegas Strip. The celebration continued into the night as guests boarded and re-boarded the Monorail to find even more food, entertainment and excitement at each hotel property along the track, all organized by The JGS Group. The magnificent event unfolded exactly as planned. By the next day, news of the Las Vegas Monorail reached around the globe, indeed enhancing the positive perception of the city.   An event as intricate and vast as this was only possible due to The JGS Group’s  deep-set relationships with Las Vegas business, government and vendor communities. On such short notice, it was vital for The JGS Group to unify so many entities into a single vision, a single path – a monorail.

Vegas Chamber Preview Event

Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce

Preview Las Vegas is the most power-packed business forecasting and networking event of the year sponsored and attended by representatives from all walks of the area’s business community.


Preview Las Vegas (multiple years)

Working within the limited budget of Preview’s host and creator, the non-profit Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, for several years The JGS Group was tasked with creating a contemporary, business-focused environment for the event that lived up to sponsor requirements. Additionally, the growing audience for the annual gathering has come to expect a slick, polished presentation throughout the four-hour general session and subsequent trade show.

A proud sponsor of the event itself, The JGS Group rallied together its formidable arsenal of resources each year to create events equal to or even surpassing the conferences of many for-profit organizations that choose Las Vegas for their gatherings.

The JGS Group’s creative team was unleashed to craft business-focused programs that included all the required elements for the event as well as an entertaining format to keep interest and momentum high throughout.

Designers were charged with sculpting the perfect environment for the cavernous arena meeting space, with lighting and sound artisans as an integral part of the mix.

Local and nationally recognized speakers were recruited and given the Flash, PowerPoint and/or video elements they required for professional results.

The result was an emotion-filled opening for each Preview lead by the Nellis Air Force Base color guard and the presentation of our National Anthem. This attention-grabbing moment was then followed by a live performance of local Las Vegas celebrities, concluding with a high-energy, state-of-the-art video that quickly set an exciting tone for the event and highlighted the vast amount of hard-hitting, pertinent and relevant information that was to be presented.

The JGS Group took charge of speaker coaching each year as well as the procurement and direction of talent for the opening and a mid-program entertainment module.

From sets to lighting, video to sound, back-of-house direction to backstage management, The JGS Group was at the helm of several of these important and applauded events.

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority Global Travel & Tourism Summit.

When The JGS Group was chosen to create and produce the most influential travel and tourism event of the year in the entire planet, the Global Travel & Tourism Summit, the company immediately knew what not to do. No pipe and drape, no simple hotel-provided podium, no single projection screen.


Global Travel & Tourism Summit

Rather, JGS needed to create a spectacular experience for the 1,000 delegates coming from around the globe that would never let them forget they were in Las Vegas.

Set in MGM Resorts International’s showcase City Center property, Aria, the company created a stadium-style venue-in-the-round on a circle with nine rows high. The stage floor itself was a large replica of the “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada” sign.

Every delegate was about 60 feet from the center of the stage.
12 x 23 foot, high-definition projection screens featured speakers and special video presentations. And between those screens were two 10 x 100 foot Las Vegas skyline murals depicting most of the city’s resort properties.

Two additional 11 x 45 foot projection surfaces carried icons and images supporting each speaker.
At each seat attendees found MP3 players and headphones which allowed them to listen to the Summit in English, Japanese or Mandarin.

The feel was international, the look totally Las Vegas and the flawless execution purely The JGS Group.